Woman Sends Daughter Away as Husband Moves Lovechild In

Woman Sends Daughter Away as Husband Moves Lovechild In

A woman on Reddit sent her 10-year-old daughter to live with her grandparents when her husband insisted he move his 9-year-old child from an affair into their home.

“Something happened to her mother in the last couple weeks (I was a little too busy screaming at him to listen to the details) and he was leaving to go get her. My daughter came to me crying saying that he told her she had to share her room and her stuff with this girl for now,” the wife began.

Wanting to protect her child, she immediately called her parents. The grandparents “agreed to her staying in their guest room” at their condo, while the woman and her son, who is still just a baby, would continue to live at the house.

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The woman’s parents and extended family came over to help move her daughter’s belongings to her new room at her grandparents’ home.

“They also helped put locks on my bedroom and my son’s bedroom. We moved all my husband’s stuff from my bedroom to the fourth bedroom that he used as a home office,” she explained.

When her husband returned home “with his affair kid,” he was furious she had secretly moved their daughter and her belongings out of their home.

“This morning he caught me in the kitchen to complain to me about it again, and said I was being cruel by not making my daughter share with her [his lovechild],” she concluded.

In the comments, users urged the woman to consider her daughter’s feelings.

“What is your ultimate game plan here? From the post, it sounds like you have completely relocated your daughter to her grandparents house. Even if she gets to keep all her stuff with her, it’s not fair to move her out of the home just to safeguard her belongings. Honestly, it sounds like you need to kick husband to the curb and let him figure out how he needs to care for his affair child,” one person wrote.

“I’d be concerned for your daughter’s well-being. She has effectively been sent away from her family, and replaced with the affair child. Regardless of how you view it, she will feel like she has been sent away, and the rest of the family now have a new daughter,” another chimed in.

“You need to consult with a divorce attorney ASAP. That should be your immediate top priority,” someone else commented.

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