Season 5 Episode 12 Preview — Kayce’s Friend Did It!

Season 5 Episode 12 Preview — Kayce’s Friend Did It!

Last Sunday’s (Nov. 24) episode of Yellowstone was a stunner, but as you try to reconcile what happened, think about what’s next.

Specifically, what’s next for Jamie?

He doesn’t have a friend in the world unless his lover from Seasons 2 and 4 re-enters the frame with their child (unlikely). I think he’s going to get arrested, which presents a huge problem for Kayce, Beth, Rip, Lloyd, Walker … well, it’s a problem for everyone.

  • Yellowstone Season 5, Ep. 12 airs on Paramount Network on Sunday (Dec. 1) at 8PM ET.
  • Yellowstone returned with Ep. 9 earlier this month (Nov. 10). Spoilers from Ep. 9, Ep. 10 and Ep. 11 are included below.
  • The second half of Season 5 will not include Kevin Costner, who plays John Dutton.

I’m more interested in what happens to Market Equities’ plans to build on the ranch, because the only ME employee left in Montana is Ellis, and he seems like a tuck-and-run kinda guy.

Yellowstone Season 5, Episode 11 Recap:

The end of Episode 11 is what everyone is talking about, but there was more to it than the most stunning death since Lee Dutton. Sarah Atwood learns the state’s medical examiner is reexamining John Dutton’s death and has listed it as a suspected homicide. She frantically tries to call the hitman she set on the governor, but finds the phone number is disconnected.

At this point she’s melting down, but still finds the concentration to prop up Jamie Dutton’s fragile emotions before storming away. A few seconds later, a car pulls up and the driver asks for directions. It turns out the couple were trained assassins, and Sarah is shot dead military-style in broad daylight.

Before that, viewers got to see exactly how Governor Dutton was killed, and it mirrors how Kayce describes being trained to abduct a sleeping man. The new governor appreciates Jamie’s plans to take the ranch over and decides to do so by eminent domain.

It’s not all good news for Jamie, however, as the Governor wants to recuse Jamie (the state Attorney General) even though he’s not allowed. This sets up a battle within the state, which further ostracizes him.

Yellowstone Season 5, Episode 12 Preview:

At the end of Ep. 11, a teaser video foreshadowed legal trouble for Jamie Dutton. This clip circulated on social media, but it’s all but vanished, although Decider covered it in the moment.

“Police are circling Jamie. This is all gonna come to a head real quick,” Kayce says.

“If they arrest Jamie, he will sing every secret our father ever had,” Beth responds. “He will ruin this family’s name to save his own.”

Yellowstone Season 5B – Unit Photography

Emerson Miller

The official trailer found Jamie shredding documents as the FBI closed in on him. It also showed Rip and Lloyd torching his Dodge Durango — both of those moments are likely to be seen next Sunday (Dec. 1).

One has to wonder how far the hitmen will go to protect themselves. Jamie is a loose end, but if Kayce figures out who executed the hit the entire family is in trouble. That brings us to a theory about who pulled the trigger. Listeners of the Dutton Rules podcast heard this first.

Before Sarah died, she tried to call someone at a 713 area code, which is Houston. During Ep. 10, Kayce’s Navy SEAL friend Cade said that a group in Houston could have done the job. He was also returning from a mission that involved dark clothing, covert movements and big guns.

The odds of Cade McPherson being John Dutton’s killer just went up, and if that’s true, we’re going to find Kayce facing off with a friend before this series ends.

Yellowstone’s 10 Best Death Scenes

The best deaths on Yellowstone were satisfying. Villains who torture John Dutton and his family always meet a gruesome end on this show. Here are the 10 most epic death scenes from Seasons 1 to 5.

Gallery Credit: Billy Dukes

34 ‘Yellowstone’ Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

How big of a fan of Yellowstone are you? These 34 facts about the Paramount Network show are sure to stump even the most dedicated viewers. They’re almost all about the cast members and their real-life passions and roles.

The real-life marriage? Who has the most kills? Who told Taylor Sheridan “No”? These have all been added before Season 5 of Yellowstone resumes on Nov. 10.

John’s kids? Beth’s accent? Rainwater’s guitar playing? Tate’s spoilers? They’re also included on this list of 34 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Yellowstone.

Gallery Credit: Billy Dukes

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