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The Heart's Whisper -
Love Songs That Speak to You!


Love Lives Here -
Endless Love Songs, Timeless Memories!

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From First Blush to Everlasting Bonds -
Love Songs for All!

Dive into the heart of Love Songs Radio, where the endless warmth infuses every love song we play. Hosted by Karen Mae, a true romantic and huge Bachelor Nation fan, she guides you through the love radio experience with passion and charm. Love Songs Radio is a universal call to hearts everywhere, celebrating love in its myriad forms. From the timeless classics to today’s hits, each track is carefully selected to resonate with listeners far and wide.

No matter where you are, Love Songs Radio brings the warmth of affection and the tenderness of heartfelt melodies right to you. It’s a place where every chord strikes a chord with the soul, reminding us that, though we may be miles apart, love unites us all.

Tune into Love Songs Radio, and let the warmth of love envelop you, because here, love’s embrace is endless and knows no boundaries.


// Love Songs Radio // Station Host
Saturdays // Country Jamz // 7pm - 10pm Eastern
Sundays // Country Jamz // 4pm-8pm Eastern

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