Mom Won’t Allow In-Laws Watch Grandkids Open Presents on X-mas

Mom Won’t Allow In-Laws Watch Grandkids Open Presents on X-mas

A woman on Reddit is feuding with her husband after he insisted his parents come over on Christmas morning to watch their little ones open their presents from Santa.

Before having kids, the couple used to alternate Christmas at each other’s respective parents’ houses, but she wants to start a new tradition after having children of her own, ages 1 and 2.

“After having kids, I want to be home for Christmas morning, and then spend the rest of the day with my family or his family depending on year. It is still such a special moment for me and I want it to be sacred and intimate amongst the four of us. We only get so many years of little kids on Christmas morning and I want to soak up every single moment,” the mom explained.

She suggested that instead of the in-laws coming to their house and disrupting the intimate Christmas morning, they spend the morning at their home as a family before visiting the grandparents.

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Her husband disagreed, however, arguing the thee-and-a-half hour drive to his parents’ house would be too long.

“He is calling me selfish and inconsiderate of his parents’ feelings because it would mean the world to them to watch the grandkids open presents from Santa. We had the same argument last year. I told my husband that they had their turn with their own kids, and this is now about us and our children,” the woman continued.

“I still want to see and celebrate with his family, but only after we have Christmas just the four of us on that morning,” she concluded, asking Reddit if she’s “being unreasonable.”

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Reddit users unanimously agreed with the woman in the comments section, arguing she should be allowed to spend quality time with her kids without outside interference.

“Tell your husband that there will be more presents than your kids will know what to do with, across all of the different parts of the family. You guys deserve to have your own chance to see your kids open gifts, just you. HE is being selfish by robbing YOU of this time with your immediate family. You can always add more memories with grandparents, but you cannot make up for lost memories as immediate family. Especially when they’re this little,” one person wrote.

“It’s not inconsiderate for YOUR OWN CHILDREN to open their presents at home, in a more intimate environment,” another commented.

“Traveling with little kids upsets their routine, nap time and meal times become a nightmare, plus you end up with a car full of gifts to bring AND take home. And once your kids are old enough to know about Santa, trying to hide Santa’s gifts when traveling is very difficult. THEY don’t care if they see everyone, especially since they’re so little. Stay home. Start your own tradition,” someone else suggested.

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Gallery Credit: Jacklyn Krol

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