Country Artists Who’ve Released a Ridiculous Number of Albums

Country Artists Who’ve Released a Ridiculous Number of Albums

One thing that makes country music so compelling is the storytelling that’s woven into the lyrics. Artists are not afraid to share what’s on their hearts, nor are they too shy to provide a voice for those who can’t seem to find the words.

This truth-telling has preserved the genre for generations, and it’s why so many pop stars have dipped their toes into country, at least for a season.

After all, everyone has a story to tell — and country music has a lot to say.

These days, it’s common for singers and songwriters to release a new collection every few years. However, there are those who have let their inspiration run wild, releasing project after project.

In fact, one artist’s album count is greater than his age! Think you know who it is?

Related: Which Country Artist Has Sold the Most Albums?

Artists Who Released Albums After Their Death

In addition to churning out albums left and right during their time on earth, there are a handful of creatives who have released music posthumously.

Songwriter, an album of Johnny Cash‘s unreleased songs, arrived this summer. Glen Campbell‘s 2011 Ghost on the Canvas was reimagined as a duets project was released in the spring. Even Dolly Parton is working on a collection of songs that will only be available after she’s long gone, so who knows what her final total will be.

Keep scrolling to see a list of 55 country artists who have released a ridiculous number of albums, meaning 20 or more. We’ve narrowed the field to studio albums alone, so this list excludes other projects like compilations, live albums, soundtracks, etc.

Jess hosts the syndicated radio show, Taste of Country Weekend, which can be heard on country stations nationwide. Tune in for all of the best new country music, spotlights on new tracks and emerging artists, plus Double-Downs on all of your favorites. The weekend is always better with a little Taste of Country in it.

Country Artists Who’ve Released a Ridiculous Number of Studio Albums

You won’t find better storytelling in any musical genre than you do in country music. These artists are known for crafting personal narratives or dreaming up relatable scenarios their fans can hold onto.

With that in mind, it would appear that country music has a lot to say. We rounded up 55 artists who have released 20 (!!!) or more studio albums in their career. Keep scrolling to see the list, and find out who has hit triple digits!

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