Christmas Present From 1978 Found Behind Bathroom Wall

Christmas Present From 1978 Found Behind Bathroom Wall

The year is 1978: There is no internet, and kids are staying busy by playing a board game or maybe Atari, counting down the days until Christmas.

Their parents, in a rush to get everything wrapped and ready, somehow left a wrapped gift behind and forgot about it. Forever.

Forty-six years later, one of those kids, Tim King, is renovating his childhood home. When he pulled back the drywall in the bathroom, he was shocked to see a wrapped Christmas present stuck between the studs.

King tells People: “We took out a medicine cabinet before we drywalled and I thought, ‘I’d better just look in there to make sure nothing’s back there,’ and then there it was!”

After posting a video to his Instagram page, it went viral — people were wild in the comments, asking why in the world he hadn’t opened the gift so everyone could see what was inside.

After all these years, he could have stumbled upon something would be worth a lot of money.

So, King took another video of himself opening the present, wrapped in perfect ’70s Disney Christmas paper, with some water stains and a slight patina to it.

Under the wrapping paper was a brand new set of Matchbox Thunder Jets, from the late 1970s. Vintage now, King took the present to his parents and asked, wtf?

King’s mother says she had no recollection of even purchasing or wrapping that present for him and has no clue how it ended up in the wall of their bathroom. So, the mystery continues, but at least we know what was inside.

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Gallery Credit: Carena Liptak

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Gallery Credit: Billy Dukes


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