A ‘Duck Dynasty’ Family Member is Engaged!

A ‘Duck Dynasty’ Family Member is Engaged!

The Duck Dynasty family is set to extend by one soon: Jase and Missy Robertson’s son Cole is engaged.

Missy shared the news on Instagram on Saturday (March 22), also showing photos from a sweet engagement party the family threw for Cole and his bride-to-be, Emilyn. Featuring a snacking spread and a cake that reads “Engagement” across the top, the family event also featured details personalized to the couple, like boxes of matches customized with the bride and groom’s names and the date Cole popped the question (March 15.)

“What an incredible achievement to watch our grown son choose a mate who encourages him, respects him and points him daily to Jesus,” Missy wrote in the caption of her post.

“As a parent, this is what [Jase] and I have prayed for since our little Cole-Man was born,” she continued. “We are so excited to add this precious girl to our family! We love you both so much!”

On a recent episode of the Duck Dynasty crew’s Unashamed podcast, Jase shared some of the story behind Cole’s proposal, which took place at a home owned by the family. Jase explained that both families were in on the secret as Cole planned a surprise proposal for Emilyn.

“In the process, I realized my son is way more romantic than me, or pretty much any guy I know,” Jase joked.

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There was a hiccup in the plans when the weather forecast showed storms brewing, and on top of that, the home where Cole planned his proposal had already been damaged by earlier storms.

That was just the beginning of the logistical “chaos” the family weathered to pull the proposal off. Jase shares the whole story here:

Jase and Missy Robertson are parents to three children: Reed, Cole and Mia. Cole’s older brother Reed married his wife Brighton in 2016, and they have since added three grandchildren to the Duck family.

Missy Robertson and her daughter Mia have both been open with fans about Mia’s journey toward cleft lip reconstruction, which was included many surgeries over the course of her life. In 2024, she had her 16th surgery.

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