‘1923’ Fans Explain the Wolf in the House + I’m Dying!

‘1923’ Fans Explain the Wolf in the House + I’m Dying!

It’s not much of a spoiler to say there was a wolf in the house at the end of last week’s episode of 1923. What the wolf did — and how it all ended — yeah, that’s gonna be a spoiler if you haven’t watched.

I won’t reveal what happened yet. That means you have a paragraph or two to hop away if you have not yet watched Season 2, Episode 2 of 1923.

In the moment, the action between wolf and Cara Dutton (Helen Mirren) was dramatic, but now that I’ve had a few days to think about it, I’ve got plenty of questions.

For starters: How in the heck did the wolf get in the house?

  • New episodes of Season 2 of 1923 stream every Sunday on Paramount+.
  • Ep. 2 was called “The Rapist Is Winter,” and it explored how brutal Montana winters can be.
  • Each week, the Dutton Podcast team break down the previous week’s episode and theorize about what’s to come. This week’s pod (listen below) also features an interview with Julia Schlaepfer, who plays Alexandra.

Related: Who Is Julia Schlaepfer? 1923 Stars Other Co-Stars Equally Famous

I put the question about the wolf to our YouTube community, and the answers did not disappoint.

“It huffed and puffed and blew the door in,” says @chrisbrunette9495.

“It dressed like little red riding hood and hood-fooled granny,” guessed @stephenaube9556.

Others were less helpful.

“Don’t be ignorant,” ordered @malindacoffeymc. “He came out the same way he went in!”

Actually, the wolf never left the house. Cara shoots it before it attacks her. Sadly, the nurse who came to attend to Elizabeth (bitten by the wolf earlier in the episode) was mauled to death by then.

The only plausible theory was suggested by @KielCarrobuourg and others: “I’m thinking the wolf got in through the broken window that the mountain lion was shot through.”

This is a callback to Season 2, Ep. 1, when Elizabeth encounters a mountain lion on the porch. Cara sees she’s frozen with fear and shoots it through the front window. I’d be OK with this theory if it weren’t for the brutal Montana winter.

You mean to tell me no one thought to slap a few boards over the hole in the door?

For the first time in two seasons, I found fans of 1923 to be a bit annoyed by an episode.  Specifically, people were eye-rolling Elizabeth’s back-to-back encounters with wildlife, and that “the wolf on 1923 is absolutely CGI” (@ChefBriank).

I’ll withhold criticism for now, but if she wakes up to an elk at the foot of her bed, it’s going to be a different story.

50 Pictures That Tell the Story of ‘1923’ Season 1

It’s been two full calendar years since the end of 1923 Season 1. Instead of watching all eight episodes on Paramount+ again, catch up with this detailed photo recap.

Gallery Credit: Billy Dukes

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