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Niece Furious Uncle Won’t Pay for ‘Extravagant’ Wedding

Niece Furious Uncle Won’t Pay for ‘Extravagant’ Wedding

A man on Reddit is in a sticky situation after he promised to contribute to his niece’s wedding fund and she seemingly misunderstood.

The man explained that he’s tried to support his niece, Lily, and sister, Emily, over the years because Emily was a single mom.

“I’ve paid for Lily’s summer camps, her college applications, and even her first car. I did this because I love them both and always wanted to support them,” he shared in his post.

“A year ago, Lily got engaged to her long-term boyfriend. When they announced the engagement at a family dinner, I said I’d be happy to help with wedding expenses,” he said.

“I never said I’d pay for everything, but apparently, my offer was interpreted as me footing the bill for the whole wedding. It became clear when Lily and Emily started planning a big, extravagant affair—destination wedding, 200+ guests, you name it,” he revealed.

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After he explained to his sister and niece that he would only be contributing $15,000, they got upset.

“Apparently, they were expecting I’d cover a $50,000+ wedding. I told them that wasn’t happening. $15,000 was all I could give,” he said.

Even though the man only agreed to $15,000, the mother-daughter duo continued with the lavish wedding planning anyway.

“Lily and Emily stopped including me in the wedding planning entirely. I didn’t hear much from them for a while, and it turns out they booked everything for the wedding thinking I’d eventually cave and cover it,” the man revealed.

“Now they’re in over their heads, and the wedding is just three months away,” he went on.

He said that his sister called crying about losing money and accused him of “ruining” the entire affair.

“Emily and Lily are now saying I’m being manipulative, offering to help and then taking it away at the last second, making them look bad in front of the groom’s family,” he continued.

“They claim they never would’ve planned something so extravagant if I hadn’t promised to cover it all,” he added.

He clarified, “I said I’d help. I feel like I’ve done more than enough over the years, but now I’m being treated like the villain for not paying for this giant wedding.”

Commenters on the post agreed that Emily and Lily crossed a line.

“They heard what they wanted to hear,” one person said.

“Your Sister and Niece are acting like spoiled children. $15k is a very generous gift for the wedding,” someone else wrote.

Several commenters called the women “entitled” for refusing the man’s “generous” gift.

“Every single poor decision here is theirs and any manipulation is theirs alone. They’re the real villains here but probably not much you can do to stop their bad mouthing,” another commenter said.

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Gallery Credit: Ryan Reichard

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