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Wife Blasts ‘Mama’s Boy’ Husband on Reddit, Announces Divorce

Wife Blasts ‘Mama’s Boy’ Husband on Reddit, Announces Divorce

A frustrated woman says she turned to Reddit to announce her divorce as it’s the only thing her husband cares about besides his own mother.

“If you’re wondering if you can just speed home and stop me from doing this and leaving, it’s too late. I’m sending you this after I’ve already loaded everything in the car and left. Don’t worry, I spoke with our landlords and took my name off the lease. I’ve set up a direct deposit for the next month’s rent. After that, you’re on your own, ‘buddy,'” the woman began on Reddit.

She explained that her marriage of five years may appear fine on paper, “but in reality, our marriage has been anything but.”

“From the beginning, my mother-in-law has been a nightmare. She made everything about her from day one. At our wedding, she wore white, claiming it was a ‘family tradition’ (it wasn’t). She constantly criticizes me, from my cooking to my appearance. I’ll never forget the time she called me fat at a family gathering, right in front of everyone. And what did my husband do? Nothing. Not a single word to defend me,” the woman, who is five months pregnant, continued.

She noted that her husband is “always on Reddit, constantly giving strangers relationship advice, which is laughable considering how he treats me.”

READ MORE: Woman Threatens Divorce if Husband Doesn’t Start Cleaning Their Home

“He spends more time rating women’s boobs on Reddit than talking to me. Literally. And just so you know, the last pair he rated weren’t a 4 out of 10 — they were a 10 out of 10. Yeah, he’s got plenty of time to do that but can’t be bothered to remember anything about my life. He’ll forget my birthday, our anniversary, even simple things like what I’m working on or what’s important to me, but he has a perfect memory for his work schedule and things that matter to him,” she recalled.

When they argue, her husband will sarcastically call her “buddy,” which she finds insulting, and “he never cleans. The house, the dishes, laundry — you name it, it’s all on me. It’s like he thinks being an adult is optional, as long as he’s got his job and his Reddit account.”

She finally decided to leave her husband after her mother-in-law declared she herself would raise their unborn daughter to be “tough.”

“When I told my husband that I didn’t want his mother to have too much influence on our daughter, especially with the way she treats me, he just laughed it off, saying his mother ‘means well’ and that I was ‘overthinking it,” the woman shared.

Her husband, who missed their first ultrasound, told her his mother would be in their child’s life whether she likes it or not.

“So, I packed up and left. I’m done living like this. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, I’ve already contacted a lawyer. You can’t scare me into complying anymore because I have all those texts. You know exactly which ones I’m talking about,” the woman declared.

“So, Steffan, I wish you all the best in your future marriage — with your mother and the women of Reddit whose boobs you don’t even deserve,” she concluded her post.

READ MORE: Woman Fed Up After Always Helping ‘Coddled’ Husband: ‘Have to Be His Life Manager’

In the comments section, users applauded the woman for taking control of her life and leaving her husband.

“Hope Steffan and mommywife are eternally trapped with each other. She failed raising her son into a complete autonomous human and would have tried to damage your daughter. He would have let her,” one person wrote.

“Steffan, you suck,” another commented.

“The ‘buddy’ thing would be an identifier to me. He must say it all the time. If I added ‘buddy’ to the end of my argument with my wife all my s–t would immediately teleport to the front lawn,” someone else shared.

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Gallery Credit: Michele Bird

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