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Woman Frustrated by Husband’s Social Media Punishment

Woman Frustrated by Husband’s Social Media Punishment

A woman on Reddit is sharing her frustrations with her husband and his use of social media to punish her. 

The woman prefaces her post by saying that her husband uses social media as a way to get back at her when there is a disagreement.

“My husband has a history of using social media as a weapon to punish me. When he doesn’t like something I say or when I get emotional over something he did, he deletes the pictures of me and our kids,” her post begins.

The couple had relationship problems and separated, but eventually reconciled.

“I left him a year ago and my ‘friend’ forwarded the messages exvhanged between them. I flipped out and felt even though we were separated. At that point he blocked me. In April of this year, we decided to reconcile. He told me he ‘deleted’ his social media because he ‘knows it’s an issue’, but it turns out that he ONLY deleted the app,” she said.

“Most recently, I asked why he has be blocked still, why he made it seem as though he deleted his social media, and why he doesn’t have that he’s married on his profile. He refuses to tell me why. I asked that he unblocks me and adds that he’s married and he utterly refuses. Today I told him im filing for a divorce because I don’t like the lies and blatant disrespect, but i feel guilty,” she continued.

The woman claims her husband is addicted to social media and that he refuses to budge on her demands.

“We have kids. It’s only social media, but the fact that he utterly REFUSES to budge on this, knowing its a huge point of contention, is eating at me. He’s addicted to social media. He needs the validation from wonen to feel like he’s something special. I obviously don’t and can’t give him what he wants, but AITAH for leaving over this?” she concludes.

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People in the comments section of the post agreed that the woman was not wrong in this situation.

“His social media behavior is a symptom of deeper issues. Trust is broken. You deserve better,” said one person.

“Please realize that you are better off alone than with someone who constantly disrespects you,” shared someone else.

“Sounds like he’s got issues to work out. And you can prioritize your kids without his manipulation use of social media,” another person added.

“He’s the one at fault and needs to got to therapy cause it seems like he’s addicted to social media and gratification from others more than caring for you,” furthered a different Reddit user.

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